Monday, August 28, 2006

Sorry Pluto

I feel bad for Pluto. Scientific inquiry isn't all about me of course but I gotta say I am little rocked.

One of the facts I remember from school (and there seem to be fewer and fewer of those) isn't the case anymore. What's next? Geography isn't spelled george-eats-old-gray-rats-and-paints-houses-yellow anymore?

I ask you.

Now I've read about it and I think the astronomers did the right thing. Yes, it's exciting that we've discovered enough new space things that we can kick Pluto out of the planet clubhouse and yes, like my boyfriend wisely said it means that Pluto will forever have a significant footnote but I feel bad. Can't we, in recognition of many years of good faith effort at acting planetary, grandfather it in?

No? Okay.

I feel bad for Pluto. That's all I'm saying.


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