Friday, June 27, 2008

Wit of the Staircase, Again

Yesterday a customer mocked me for my use of the word 'recalcitrant'. It was the perfect word for the situation, the register was acting up i.e. being recalcitrant.

Listen Jackass, it's a bookstore not the Gas n' Sip. You ought to be glad I know and can correctly use words like recalcitrant. It means I'll have a better chance finding whatever it is you need, which you probably only know part of anyway cause you just have that pain in the ass customer vibe written all over you. Yeah, I'm an egghead but at least a have a head and not just a melon taking up space between my shoulders.


Blogger Unknown said...

Perhaps you should have asked her not to be so 'niggardly' with her appreciation for your excellent service. (And then duck fast.) "Where's that black book that used to be on a table?" "Just point me to the Henry Ford section." "No, I need them (the six out-of-print books you just ordered for her) tomorrow, not in three weeks. What kind of place is this anyway? Cancel that order. I'll never shop here again." Yeah, I know that woman.

7:34 AM  

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