Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cute Niece Interlude (Just Cause I Can)

So for the last week and a half I have been enjoying a January vacation of the 'use it or lose it' variety. Nothing exciting unfortunately, just the pleasure of no work and yet another thrilling drive through Ohio. (Though with the introduction of the Richmond Fontaine catalog I gotta say their "Post to Wire" is ideal for Ohio in January.)

As I was driving my niece, Vivian, home yesterday after we rated the CD selection (it was Kathleen Edwards' "Failer" which she approved of though she did ask if the singer was a boy or a girl) she hit me with one of those questions.

"Aunt Sam?"
"Yes, Vivi?"
"Where does Jesus live?"

As a lapsed sister to a lapsed brother married to a something else entirely I wasn't exactly sure what to say so I tried to play it safe.

"Welllll, some people say he lives in heaven. What do YOU think Viv?"

(pause for thought)

"I think he lives in New York City."
"Oh yeah? Why's that?"

(another pause for thought)

"Cause it's big."

All righty then, tough to argue with that theology.


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