Monday, January 21, 2008

Not That Kind of Cat Person

As I was taking down and storing the holiday cards I received this year I noticed over half featured cats. Now cats are a favorite design theme popular with lots of people but it made me wonder, what is it about cats?

I have had a cat since 1994 when I gave up my rabbits when I moved to Alaska. The plan was to get a dog but it's virtually impossible to rent in Anchorage and have a dog (seems counterintutive I know but there you have it) so a cat was Plan B. And it wasn't too long after that before the cat presents started rolling in. Not presents for the cat mind you, presents featuring cats. Mugs, sweatshirts, candleholders, keychains, a bank-I've got it all. I'm not knocking all this (well, except the bank-what adult needs a cat bank?) most are nice things they're just not things I would have ever chosen for myself and someone else only chose them because they know I have a cat. Do people who have dogs get dog things? Are bird people awash in bird gifts? Yes, I have loved my cats very much and enjoyed a close relationship with each (except for perhaps Meadow who I fear has left a permanant mark and not in a good way) but that doesn't mean I want to cover myself with them. I would have a dog right now except they are more expensive and harder to sneak in. So just to make things clear, I want to simply and definatively state for the record, I am not that kind of cat person.


Blogger hellokitty9276 said...

can i give my grandma this address so maybe...just maybe...she will stop giving me hello kitty knock offs and cat trinkets? i have three cats. i don't need any more. ps- AMEN.

5:32 AM  
Blogger Erika said...

I can sympathize. I got a Boston Terrier in August. Since then, I have received a Boston Terrier magnet, a Boston Terrier keychain, a Boston Terrier calendar and several Boston Terrier cards. My mom almost bought me a Boston Terrier purse for Christmas, and it wasn't the fact that it was a dog-shaped purse that stopped her; it was the fact that the dog-shaped purse was $50.

So yes, it happens to dog people too.

7:07 AM  

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