Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Election Year Pet Peeve

I have to sat it. There are some who will say it's not my place to and that's fine but it bothers me so I have to say it. After watching a whole lot of election coverage I have to say I am very bothered by the media referring to Barack Obama as black.

Now since my multiple ethnicities make for just one color I can't claim to completely understand what must be an enormous challenge but I imagine, as divided as our society is over matters of race, that a biracial person might face a choice about which group they feel they belong to personally.

That is not what I'm speaking of.

What I am speaking of is what the media, who are supposed to be getting the facts right, are saying about him. If elected he would not be the first black president and to say so just smacks to me of old racist laws, ones that did the horrible math that spelled out exactly how much blood was required to be owned. Call him biracial, multi ethnic, a person of color (I admit there is no good word) but please, just get it right.


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