Monday, January 14, 2008

Every Monday Matters-Monday 02

This week's project was also about making time for what really matters, this time by curbing television watching. The fact that it comes on a day that I had to call in to work was very amusing (oh irony, why do you torture me so?) considering bad TV is one of the great consolers when you're under the weather. (Oh, a "Project Runway" marathon? That'll work.)

Overall though I think my TV viewing is mostly top notch. I only have 3 shows I watch weekly (well, when the writer's strike isn't in play, which could make this task considerably easier unless you're geeked about the new "American Gladiators"). I also try and catch the national news if I'm at home. Other than that I'm mostly Netflixing it. This is not to say I never get sucked in to one of those V-H1 "I Love the ___" shows or an episode of "Unwrapped" I have never seen (I love to see behind the scenes factory stuff).

And that's the problem. It's not the TV I watch, it's all the TV I watch while I am waiting for the TV I watch that's the problem. I just need to remember that TV is a drug (ideally a stimulant and not an anesthetic) and use it accordingly.

NOTE: I gotta say, though I am behind this week's task, I thought the last line on this page "Instead of watching reruns of 'Friends' go make some" was a bit harsh. I get there's more people lots more entrenched than me but I say think sugar-encouragement works way better.


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