Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My Brush with the Law Part 2

Last Thursday I awoke to find a police car parked in front of the building. Even though I had done nothing to garner attention from the police I was a little jumpy (The whole "they found me!" thing.) I kept peeking out the window to watch. The plot thickened when two detectives showed up and proceeded to get suited up "CSI" style (unlike those TV detectives though these guys were dressed like high school vice principals, pocket protectors and all) and examined the car parked next to mine. When they moved on to my car, Eudora, (yeah my car has a name, so does my blender what of it?) I had to go check it out. Turns out the neighbor downstairs had his car broken into. Actually, the detectives informed me with no small amount of scorn, the car was unlocked so I guess maybe it's not really breaking in per say. There was dusting for prints and photographs and it was all very interesting because I wasn't in trouble, kinda like sitting in the ambulance when you're not really sick. I'm not sure it was my locking my car so much as the thieves peeking in and seeing cassettes in the front seat but I was happy to bask in my good citizenship and do my part.


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