Friday, May 26, 2006

For the Ladies Only

You know it's a baad period when you have to run to Target on your break for additional supplies. It was so bad that phrases like "bleeding out" were running through my head. Not at all normal for me. (Without a thyroid now I guess it's not surprising that things are changing-hope it's not permanant.) So I scoot in as quickly as possible and am scanning the cashiers for a kindly face to ring my oh so incriminating purchase when I see a sweet old lady in the express line. I step over to take care of business then I get a glimpse of her nametag and have to laugh. It said

wait for it,

can you guess?


I shit you not.

You can't make this stuff up-that's one of the cool things about life.


Blogger Stewie said...

I love stories like these.

They make me laugh because they are so f'd up they have to be true.

And, yes, Pelacanos rocks.

The guy who introduced me to his work was a salesman at Olson's Books. The salesman said that Pelecanos was doing a signing one night at the store, and he was waiting for him to show up.

So Salesman tells me about 10 after 8, a customer walks in inquiring about the Pelecanos signing. Salesman tells the customer they were waiting on Pelecanos, but he could grab a seat.

Customer tells Salesman that he is Pelecanos.

Now, here's the best part:

Salesman says to Pelecanos (who he'd never seen until that day), "I thought you were black."

Pelecanos replies, "I get that."

I laughed my ass off. The Salesman, who was a black guy, said to me, "I've never read a white guy write black so good."

Good times.

7:21 PM  

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