Thursday, May 25, 2006

Dear HBO

Dear Home Box Office,

I was excited to see the release of Season Two of your X-rated western, "Deadwood" this week. It's about time! Judging by the cover there appears to be loads of special features (including one just on Wu) so that mollified me about the delay somewhat but begs the bigger question-where's Season Three of "The Wire"? It's been over a year since it was shown (and nominated for an Emmy)-what's the holdup? I thought for the holidays, nope. Maybe for Father's Day? Nope.
Hello? Thanks to the New York Times I already know one of the big twists (Stringer Bell!) but I'd like to be able to fill in some of the other blanks. As long as it's been there better be the Holy Grail of special features on that bad boy.

Why don't I subscribe? Well, I work retail and basic cable is expensive enough. And besides, for every one hour of "The Wire" or "Deadwood" I'd love to watch there'd be thirteen hours of "Soul Plane" or some other crap. No, I'll wait for the DVD.

And another thing. I get you're HBO, the best of the best, but what's up with those prices? TV on DVD, along with Performance DVD, is the fastest growing segment of DVD sales and accordingly the prices have gone down. But not HBO. When you're having that release date meeting how about lowering some prices while you're at it?


the hoyden


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