Saturday, April 29, 2006

From One Loudmouth Girl To Another

I went to go see Kathleen Edwards last week at the Ark. For those of you not familiar with this Canadian singer songwriter you're really missing something. I don't generally approve of comparing women with weapons (with its implied DANGER) but she's a pistol. I swear the woman has no verbal filter-whatever it is just comes right out. At last week's show for example we found out that Windsor is the asshole of Canada. (Ann Arbor is close enough to the border that you can be sure there'll be some Canadians out there as the radio guy who does the Ark intros says every time.) There was also a long involved border crossing story that totally sucked the momentum out of the encores which she then realized and got upset over. She also edited the "I'm a little bleeder with white pants on" line from one of my favorite songs, "Westby" (also with the fabulous mean line "If you weren't so old I would probably keep you/if you weren't so old I'd tell my friends/but I don't think your wife would like my friends") while repeatedly dropping the "F" bomb. Most artists with 2 records and multiple tours behind them would be a lot more slick and professional but I'm not sure that's ever going to happen with Kathleen which I, for one, totally respect.

Kathleen's records are "Failer" and "Back to Me" available on Zoe Records.


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