Saturday, April 22, 2006

But Wait There's More

The trouble with me and those kind of questions is that I can never meet the perameters extactly, I also add one more than specified.

My Other Favorites:

1) Jean Jacket. I bought it with paper route money for pete's sake. People, that has been 30 years. I took it to the Soviet Union when I was 19 and put a USSR flag patch on it when I got back. Now it's just plain and pretty damn faded. But I still wear it regularly. I have a new fancy fitted one for work though.

2) Leather Jacket. Also that old, with a red satin lining (which really sold me one that one particularly). It needs a new pocket linings, the fat block of concert tickets kept in them for years has worn them out.

3) The Grandfather shirt. Discovered by my friend, Carrie, it's blue striped and long with a band collar. One of my favorite pictures of myself was taken in it on the beach at Fripp Island, SC. Carrie the artist then made a pencil sketch of it which now hangs in my living room. Several years ago she gave it to me for my birthday which was very meaningful.


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