Confessions of a Retail Warrior
Well, I made it through another Black Friday. (It's actually NOT the busiest shopping day of the year-that would be the Saturday before Christmas, it's just the more famous.) Despite what non retail folks may think it's actually one of the best days to work. People who shop on Black Friday know their stuff. They've got their coupons, rewards cards and best of all, a plan. I do love a customer with a plan. My store doesn't have any of those amazingly cheap doorbuster specials (Microwaves for $10! Computers for $300!) so we see people after they hit those stores but they are still mostly cheerful. They are the master shoppers-like a marathoner still smiling at mile 20, they've been training all year for this and they love the oportunity to show their skills.
The other great day to work is Christmas Eve but for the opposite reason. People who shop on Christmas Eve are usually desperate-they realize they've waited entirely too long and are easily satisfied. If it's in stock, they'll take it. These folks, usually men I have to say, only do this once a year or so and their inexperience shows. However, there is also a different class of Christmas Eve shopper-the one who waits by choice. It's an extreme sport for them and they flourish under their self imposed handicap.
The absolute worst days to work, in my opinion, is the week after Christmas. Tons of returns and people going crazy with their gift cards without the anticipation of the holiday to help get you through can make for veeery long days. It also seems like absolutely everyone else, everyone with real jobs, has time off. It does not make for happy retail campers.
So good luck to you in your holiday shopping-may your feet never tire, your credit card never be declined and you always have a bathroom when you need one. I'll be at my post, along with the rest of the retail warriors, waiting to help.
We hit the mall around 8:00 p.m. on Friday (Les had to work earlier in the day, and nothing, I mean NOTHING, gets me up before 10 a.m. on my day off!). It was busy and full of cranky, crying babies, but overall not too much of a madhouse. Our one symbol of what had come before, however, was that two soda machines by the exit were completely empty. Obviously, the mobs had been there!
You have such a great attitude about working on Black Friday. I don't know how you do it! Obviously, you're a professional!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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