Friday, December 07, 2007

Long Live the Laptop

The laptop is dead. Caught in a fatal error circle that cannot be penetrated (at least by me). Is there any worse feeling than total, complete, vital equipment failure? It was an inherited one, 10 years + old (which is like 50 in technology years) which is why I fear even taking it anywhere for repair-even if I could afford it I just know laughter would ensue. Like pouring money into your $1000 car (see the classic Bottle Rockets song) it's just a bad idea.

But the blog will go on-I would hate to disappoint my 12 loyal readers (or bleaders as Julie Powell calls them)- but on Ann Arbor District Library time, instead of Hoyden time. (Alas, no more blogging at 3am.)

The laptop is dead. Long live the laptop.


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