Sunday, May 28, 2006

I've Got Detroit Tiger Pennant Fever!

For the superstious baseball fan (and most are) there are about 500 things wrong with the title of this blog but I don't care. I have lived in this area 10 years now and the Tigers have sucked for every one of them. But not this year.

This year we are #1.

Now I know we have some tough games in front of us and the season is young (it is still only May) but it feels really good to be able to take pride in the Tigers. I live with a dyed in the wool, true blue, born with a Old English D hat, through thick and thin, Tiger fan who has been saying for years he would gladly trade every Piston or Red Wings success if the Tigers could just make the playoffs. So it's a joy to see for that reason too.

I went to my first game of the season last night and it was a blast and not just cause I finally got to wear my Detroit Stars hat I got for the holidays. (The Stars were the Detroit Negro League team primarily known as the home of the great Turkey Stearns.) There was a palpable sense of pride in the stadium different from any other time I have gone. It was a very welcome change.

Hell, it's almost enough to make a loudmouth girl wanna buy a big foam finger.

Go Tigers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you know that baseball is only a game for those not virile or courageous enough to play football? The only good thing I can say about it is that if forced to watch it on tv, one can take a nap and never feel one has missed anything.

Did you know that my first job after high school was as a peanut vendor for the Louisville Redbirds during their first season?
Anonymously yours, guess who

8:01 PM  

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