Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Like I Needed That

I got an e-mail from TicketMaster yesterday reminding me that the Detroit Ryan Adams show is Wednesday night. As if I needed a reminder. As if I wasn't nearly hugging myself with pleasure every time I thought about it. As if it wasn't the big giant carrot getting me through this nasty bit at work (like Al Swearingen from "Deadwood" says, "it's just one vile fucking task after the next") . As if I hadn't been listening to Ryan's entire back catalog in preperation, which considering how prolific he is and how many bootlegs and extra things I own, is quite a time commitment. As if I haven't been busy tracking down songs from the new record, "Easy Tiger", since it doesn't street until the week after the show. As if I haven't seen the man 5 times in 3 states.

Come on.

Are there people who buy concert tickets who forget? Who smack themselves V-8 like the day after the show and say, "Damn, I forgot the show!" If there are I don't wanna sit next to them.


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