Little Miss Mixed Emotions

This week on his blog my boy Ryan Adams maybe, kind of, announced that he's maybe, kind of retiring from music at the end of the current tour due to an inner ear condition/hearing loss which makes music both painful and difficult for him. Now, it's true we've heard this kind of thing from him before and he always came back but to me, this week's entry smacked of more seriousness and not just because he's sober now.
As a fan my heart clenches when I hear this-no more Ryan ever?? NO!!!!
But also as a fan, I, of course, want him to enjoy his hard earned happiness. Obviously one's health and well being must come first. But no more music? (There are books forthcoming which is cool.) Really?? Glad I have tickets to the Louisville show-it may be my last chance to see him, guess only time will tell. Whatever your final decision Ryan, all my best.
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