Sex, Pizza and Rock 'n' Roll

The Drive-By Truckers wsg/ The Dexateens
May 6, 2008
The Crofoot Ballroom-Pontiac, MI
Sex is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good or so the saying goes. Live shows are like that too, even if they're not the best there's still no denying their rush and buzz. I was thinking of that on Tuesday when I saw DBT for the second time. The first time I saw them was a great show, one where the crowd and band come together and you know, even at the time, you're seeing something special. (Elmore Leonard was there for Pete's sake. You know if Dutch is in the room something cool is going down.) But this time was different.
It was my first time at the Crofoot-it's a nice looking room but one that apparently doesn't have the best acoustics, at least for this show. I like it loud but clear. I'm the kind of fan who'd rather have a dive with good sound than a fancy setting-yes, I know all the words already but I'd like to hear them. Especially when the writing is as good as the DBT's.
The show was also marred by a sparse crowd curiously passive except for a group of jerks front row center who kept chanting, for seemingly no good reason, "USA USA USA" between each song. After half a sets worth Mike Cooley had finally had enough and delivered a smackdown the likes of which you rarely hear. I'm paraphrasing but it went something like, "If all you ever did is slide out of your momma's pussy in the USA you ain't got one goddamn thing to be proud of. Now I'm the boss here I'm going to play you a song you're going to love so shut the fuck up." I get the feeling that's not the first time he's had to do that.
My other chief complaint was the setlist, which seemed like it was intentionally chosen with my least favorites in mind. The middle of the show, which was one midtempo song after the next, dragged especially. I also found myself missing Jason Isbell. I always found the interplay between the three songwriters one of the most interesting things about DBT and Shonna Tucker's new contributions, though welcome, are not quite as strong as her ex-husband's which I sorely missed hearing.
That's not to say there weren't highlights-"Sorry Huston", "Putting People on the Moon", "Gravity's Gone" and "Righteous Path" were all standouts. And the Truckers are such pros that I don't imagine they ever really have bad shows. I also enjoyed the Dexateens whose enthusiam charmed even during the times they weren't actually playing together. How rock n' roll of them!
*photos by Joe*
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