Sunday, February 03, 2008

Video Contest Fun

Picking up where he left off with "We Can't Make it Here Anymore", James McMurtry is sponsoring a video contest for his new song, "Cheney's Toy". Fans can download the song for free at McMurtry's MySpace page on Super Tuesday (just in case, you know, voting for the President's successor didn't get your blood up enough). Makers of the Top 5 videos will win t-shirts and an autographed copy of the new record, "Just Us Kids", not available to everyone else until April 15. McMurtry's personal favorite will also win an Ipod Nano.

Making videos in my head is one of my favorite commute passing activities (my scrapbooking themed one for Patty Griffin's "Making Pies" is a classic) so I am dismayed not to have the equipment to actually participate but look forward to watching what other fans come up with while I am waiting for the new record. (According to the track list there's a song title that namechecks Leonard Cohen-I can't wait to hear what that's all about.)


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