Saturday, February 18, 2006

Thyroid Music

I love to challenge my musically inclined friends to theme mix CDs. (Though the technology changed a while ago I find I still want to say "mix tape" which sounds better than "mix CD". Kind of how I say still "record" even though I don't own any vinyl.) There was the rain one which spawned multiple volumes and the divorce one which, unfortunately, we all knew inside and out.

So here's the new theme, friends-my thyroid.

My thyroid is as big as a baseball and about as heavy. (It's not a goiter, do not say the g word to a person with a thyoid condition) My radioactive iodine test showed my uptake at 59% when normal is 7 to 30%. Gee, it's no wonder I'm overanxious and crying at the drop of a hat. Yes, that's me constantly pulling the shirt away from my neck.

So get it taken care of you're saying. Well, because of my insurance I need to see an endocrinologist at the University of Michigan Hospital which is apparently as hard to get into as well, the University of Michigan. That leaves me cooling my heels until April 3. So, have pity on my poor overacheiving thyroid and send me a CD to help. It could be super fast speed metal to mirror my frenetic gland (did I mention the tremors and racing heart?) or slow mellow folk designed to sloooow things down.

I'll be waiting with eager ears.


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