Sunday, January 08, 2006

Favorite Movies 2005 Part 2

The rest of the list:

"A History of Violence"

David Cronenberg always gets under my skin. Although this one didn't do damage to my psyche like "Dead Ringers" there was still plenty to squirm about like that stairstep sex scene or the long, slowly unfolding scene with his brother (a terrific William Hurt). This one proved that Viggo can be more than a king.


A tricky one about race in America and human nature in general highlighted by loads of great performances-Ludracris, Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillion all hit high notes in this one.


Philip Seymour Hoffman puts in a brava performance as the famous writer and raconteur in the process of writing his most famous book. As the viewer we see Truman as both artist willing to sacrifice everything for his art and as lonely gay man who was rejected by his parents. It's to Hoffman's credit that both are played equally well so we never completely hate him even when he behaves like a total parasite. Extra special bonus points for Carolyn Keener's Harper Lee who knew Truman so well she could totally call him on his shit.


A funky fun indie about the familial sparks that fly when a good Southern boy comes home from the big city with a big city wife as bent on her career as her marriage. I liked what it had to say about being the child that lives away and how it's both pleasure and pain to go home again. My fervant hopes for an Oscar nod for Amy Adams for her fully charged performance.

"Good Night and Good Luck"

Substitute conservatives calling people unpatrioic for McCarthy calling people communists and this period picture suddenly becomes extremely relevant. David Straitharn played a great smoking Murrow leading one of those movie offices where you'd like to work yourself. Kudos to George Clooney (KY boy) for putting his money where his mouth is-I hope it comes back to him at awards time.

"The Squid and the Whale"

I liked this movie before I even saw it because I understood the title immediately but I can't say I enjoyed the movie though, because it reminded me of my own parents' divorce too much for me to ever be comfortable in my seat. Local fave Jeff Daniels is fantastic as the dad, Bernard,-my favorite line is when the dad is in the hospital and he sees in his son's eyes, the son who had previously adored him, that that will never be the case again and he offers, "You can borrow my signed copy of ______, as a present." That line sums it all up.

"King Kong"

Despite it's flaws-the two male leads, the too long running time (just because you CAN make a 3 hour movie doesn't mean you SHOULD)-I have to include this because I love Kong. Even the semi cheesy 70s Kong. Kong is one of the greatest leading men of all time and of all mediums. Ever since I saw the original at the bar in the Knights of Columbus hall (my mom had a weekend job there) I have had a huge soft spot in my heart for the big ape. Naomi Watts does a great job being in peril-she helps herself but isn't too modern-especially considering she was reacting to nothing a lot.


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