Saturday, May 24, 2008

Me & "SATC"? Not So Much

I've never been a "Sex and the City" fan, I always found it the least interesting HBO show. Now I'm as "you go girl" as the next woman but its emphasis on wacky fashion and shoes and romantic dithering not only left me cold but made me feel more than a liitttle superior for preferring the harder charms of "The Wire" and "Deadwood".

(Or perhaps it's just further proof that I am actually a guy-there has been speculation on that front despite my adoration of the color pink and of my raccoon-like love of all things sparkly.)

But I have pulled back from that a bit this week when I realized I had a detailed conversation with my best friend in Atlanta about boys while she was huddled in her bathroom because there was a TORNADO WARNING.

Yeah, I think even Carrie & those other city girls might have said, "You know? I'm gonna have to call you back" in that scenerio.


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