Saturday, August 18, 2007

That August Feeling Again

Around this time of year when the back to school stuff comes out I get that anxious August feeling again, I haven't swum enough, eaten enough melon or seen enough baseball. Summer is fleeting, never so much then when you're staring at the end of it.
So, I'm going to follow my niece Vivian's example and use these last few weeks to relax and chill out.


Blogger thorrad said...

So very liking the poetic wonderfulness that you are bringing these days. I have become aquainted with you again through Carrie who has bookmarked you for me.

Not the intorduction that happens in a faraway kitchen or back room, but a more serindipidous one. That leads me to you thruough curiosity. As a person who has much to say, I await your next utterance with relish...

(too much?)


11:33 PM  

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