Tuesday, March 06, 2007

More About Megan

Flu + Computer problems = no blog fun for days and days. Fortunately both seem to have passed.

The Megan Abbott event was a blast. Megan was as funny and sharp as her books are dark. The contrast tickles me still. And her mom? Megan's mom is a force to be reckoned with-sending out invites, dragging over stools for people to sit on when the chairs ran out-let's just say if Mrs. Abbott was Britney Spears' mom, Britney would still have hair.

I brought Megan a gift which I heard later from the events person went over big. Since she has so many award events coming up I gave her a vintage hankerchief with the hope that she may have occasion for tears of joy. What I didn't say then is that it was actually a regift-the hankerchief was given to me many years ago by a dirty old man so I figured, given her subject matter, it worked both ways. And since she was so delighted to be blogged about on the same page as Ron Jeremy (she even included that in one of the books she signed for me) I trust she won't mind.

Megan also said that she plans on being back in the area in the summer for a Noir Night at a local restaurant to promote her next book, Queenpin. Sounds like fun to me with plenty of time for the all important wardrobe considerations. Perhaps I can go as the bookstore girl from "The Big Sleep" who shares a bottle of rye (and more?) with Bogie on a stakeout.

Again the books are Die a Little and The Song is You. Check them out.


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