Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What I'm Into

I offer three new (to me at least) fun sites for whiling away the interwebs time. More addicting and timesucking than Facebook Scrabble and especially handy while waiting-in the school pickup line for example.

F My Life (http://www.fmylife.com/)

Brief true (supposably) tales of poor souls whose troubles are far, far worse than your own. Great for that schadenfrede, "neener neener neener" high.

Today, I was leaving work when some creeper start following me. When he asked me for my name, I immediately gave him a fake one. He just laughed and proceeded to say “I hope to see you soon.” He used my real name. First AND last. I was still wearing my name tag. FML

Picture is Unrelated (http://www.pictureisunrelated.com/)

Crazy, great wtf pictures from all over. Further confirmation of what we all occasionally suspect- we are the lone sanity in an insane world. Warning: some of these photos may be scarring-once seen they cannot be unseen. (example seen above)

Texts from Last Night (http://www.textsfromlastnight.com/)

For still more schadenfrede glee check out these batshit crazy texts from people having a far worse night (and life) than you.

(281): Any toy can be an adult toy. Location, location, location.


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