Sunday, October 14, 2007

New TV

Yes, I was a kid in the 70's and yes, I was a fan of "The Bionic Woman". I did not have the lunch box but did have the board game and I do clearly remember some sort of bionic game the kids in my neighborhood used to play. Despite my early fandom though I was not troubled by the new remake, in light of "Casino Royale" I was optimistic about recharging old faves. I mean the special effects had to be better right? We've come so far since 70's slo-mo speed (insert bionic noise here).

After few episodes I have to say.. it's just okay. The new bionic woman looks good and the new science explains a lot (I always wondered if you really had bionic legs wouldn't your spine just snap out of your back when you took a sharp turn?) but they don't really seem to be playing up the "La Femme Nikita" twist as much as they might. What I do like is the baddie bionic babe who first generation parts are breaking down, that's where the drama is so far.

The show I really like is "Life" which I only watched to check out "Deadwood's" Robin Weigert in a non Calamity Jane role. (That part is weird I gotta say.) It's pretty interesting so far, like he did in "Band of Brothers" Damien Lewis plays a character with a good heart stuck in a bad situation. I'm curious to see how it's all going to play out.


Blogger hellokitty9276 said...

i am hot to trot on dirty sexy money. i guess that means i can't watch life. bummer.

private practice has sucked so far. in fact, tonight i just talked on the phone and glanced at the closed caption.

9:43 PM  
Blogger Erika said...

I highly recommend Pushing Daisies. It's charming, creative and features pie!

2:53 PM  

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