Tuesday, May 22, 2007

It's a Small Freakin World

Yesterday at a shift meeting one of my sellers, when playing the recommend game, recommended a movie just out on DVD written and directed by her nephew. He looked familiar so I asked what else he had done because I was positive I had seen him before. Turns out he is the leader of a band called Bishop Allen who had a CD a couple of years back called "Charm School" which I found, well, charming. She was knocked out that I had even heard of the band much less owned their CD (cool boss points for me!) and said she was sure if I could get myself to NYC she could wrangle me a part in his next movie, shooting soon. My acting chops are pretty rusty but I think I could pull it off.

Anyway it's fun to think about-it added some piquancy to an otherwise average day.


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