Saturday, November 18, 2006

Murder Porn

Occasionally I think no matter what industry you work in there comes a time when something comes up that makes you ashamed to participate. The new book by OJ Simpson is that for me. The decision to publish his "I didn't do it but here's how I would have" screed by Judith Regan is stomach churning. If you have the luck to brutally murder two people and get away with it I personally think you should shut the hell up about it. Granted he still owes $33 million or so to the families of Nicole and Ron but even if the money from the book is going to his children as I read in one place I think the damage to their psyche from reading their dad's murder porn would have to be worse than any possible financial gain. Jesus, haven't they been through enough?

So I propose that we all band together to ignore this one. Walk by it in the store, turn the channel. Let all Mr. Simpson hear is our roaring collective indifference. Come into my store, I'll gladly sell you something else.


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