Sunday, February 13, 2011

Confessions of an Accidental Pinup

First, let me say I am so not what you think of when you think pinup. One of those women best captured by words like ripe. Fleshy. Curvy.

Me? Not so much. Think cute. Bookish. That're more my MO. Yet last spring I was a runner up for Miss Beatersville-primped and victory rolled to the max, posing with cars and broadly smiling.

How did that happen? easy. I became a pinup the same way any girl does. I decided to. Nobody is born a pinup, though admittedly your Heidi Van Hornes and Marilyn Monroes do have a shapely leg up, they decided too. More than any prop, any pencil skirt or cherry bustier the most important ingredient to being a pinup

or a writer

or a Senator

is the will to do so.

My name is Louisville Slim and I'm a pinup.
photo by Boudoir Louisville
makeup by Katie Grant
hair by Georgia @ Jerry Heston, Louisville


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